Renee plays traditional Scandinavian music on the nyckelharpa, an instrument that has existed in various forms for over 700 years. She effortlessly captures the rustic charm and ethereal essence of the Nordic tradition. Her dedication to the nyckelharpa and traditional Swedish folk music earned her a prestigious fellowship from the American Scandinavian Foundation in 2022, allowing her to study extensively under master nyckelharpist Cajsa Ekstav.
In 2024, Renee served as the Musician-in-Residence at the UW-Madison, Nordic Folklife Department, where she focused on sharing Scandinavian folk music and storytelling with students and the broader community. During her residency, she researched first-generation Swedish immigrant musicians and created an online collection of their legacies titled “Nordic Newcomers.” She also initiated a collection of Upper Midwest Scandinavian Allspel tunes to facilitate the learning and preservation of this rich musical tradition.
Performances at venues like the American Swedish Institute, Norsk Høstfest, and the Duluth-Stämman showcase Renee's dedication to fostering interest and participation in Scandinavian folk music. A versatile collaborator, she lends her talent to a diverse array of musical projects throughout the northern heartland area, ranging from intercultural and intergenerational bands to educational presentations, storytelling performances with music, and numerous workshops aimed at fostering interest, participation, and connection to Scandinavian folk music.
Coming Up!
MN Orchestra Nordic Soundscapes 1-17-25 Opening for SkyeConsort, 1-31-25 Opening for FRIGG!! 2-28-25